Benchmarking excellence in IP Operations: a new report by Clarivate

In recent years, a stream of new technologies, regulations and the pandemic served as a catalyst for creating new operating models. In-house IP departments and law firms quickly adopted home working and embraced digitalization.

Now that departments have settled into these new work models, leaders have the time to tactfully readdress industry best practices and ensure their departments are performing as seamlessly as possible. To do so, insights and benchmarks are necessary to make impactful and strategic operational decisions.

Excellence in IP operations

Recently, Clarivate™ surveyed IP professionals from corporations and law firms worldwide over a ten-week period to provide insights into IP operations excellence. Combining these baseline benchmark results with Clarivate extensive knowledge of IP operations, we are supporting IP professionals in aligning their operations with business goals, optimizing resource allocation, and leveraging technology and artificial intelligence (AI) to drive efficiency.

The full report, Excellence in IP Operations: Benchmarks and strategies to elevate your IP practice, is available to read now.

Key findings

1.Alignment through KPIs

One of the standout findings from our survey is the importance of aligning key performance indicators (KPIs) with business goals. The report reveals that 65% of corporate respondents who understood their department’s KPIs also reported complete alignment between their IP and overall business strategies. This number increased to 70% among law firm respondents. Strategic alignment is crucial for delivering transformative value and ensuring that the IP department contributes directly to the success of the organization.

2.Technology enablement for efficiency

Over a quarter of IP professionals spend significant time on tasks outside their job functions, with limited budgets and technology investments to offset these pressures. While expanding a staff member’s remit can diversify skills, it may also impact work quality and productivity. Striking the right balance is essential for maintaining employee satisfaction and supporting growth.

We found that IP professionals who felt well-equipped with the right technology spent significantly less time on tasks unrelated to their primary role. This exemplifies how proper technology deployment – including integration between technology systems – fosters greater collaboration and a more cohesive work environment, ultimately building a resilient operational framework.

3.Bridging the AI adoption gap

Despite growing interest and awareness, particularly around complex IP workflows, AI deployment remains low. 83% of respondents who spent over half their time on tasks unrelated to their primary role were not using AI in their IP departments. Encouraging greater adoption of AI-based solutions can significantly increase productivity, reduce manual tasks, and save time for high-value activities, even when resources are tight. Exploring AI-based capabilities already built into current IP management software can help unlock these benefits even quicker.

Why this report matters

Our latest report provides invaluable insights and benchmarks to help law firms and corporate IP departments understand how their operations compare to industry standards. By identifying areas of strength and opportunities for improvement, IP managers and leaders can implement best practices to achieve operational excellence.

This report is a must-read for anyone involved in IP management. It offers practical advice and actionable strategies for navigating the complexities of modern IP operations. Download your copy today and take the first step towards optimizing your IP operations for success.

Get in touch

Clarivate IP Consulting services can help transform your operations and unveil the maximum potential of your IP. Find out more about the services and our team, here.


Download the full report now.